Multiplicity: Plural Aspects of Self

Gain an insider’s view on multiplicity (also known as Plurality) from a mental health professional with lived experience, and learn ways to provide effective support.



Gain an insider’s view on multiplicity (also known as Plurality) from a mental health professional with lived experience. Multiple aspects of self are part of some people’s experiences that are diagnosed as Dissociative Identity Disorder and were once part of the Multiple Personality Disorder (which has been removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Explore theories of how multiplicity occurs, and gain insight into some of the experiences, cultural aspects, difficulties and ways to support someone with multiple aspects of self.

Overview and Learning Intentions

  • Develop theories on how multiplicity occurs and the link with childhood trauma

  • Learn about cultural aspects and some of the difficulties of having multiple aspects of self

  • Explore the ways multiplicity has been adopted inside neurodiversity and mainstream mental health and psychiatry

  • Critically reflect and critique what we know about multiplicity

  • Learn what people with multiplicity need to feel supported

Let's Get Real

1. Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction needs

3. Working with whānau 

4. Working within communities 

5. Challenging discrimination

7. Maintaining professional and personal development


Facilitated by Dr Annie Southern 

PhD HSc, MA, GradDipLT, Cert HE

Dr Annie Southern was educated at Oxford University and has a PhD in Health Science from the University of Canterbury. She is a researcher and writer and is well published, with her work spanning both journalism/publishing and mental health fields. Annie uses her lived experience of both neurodiversity and alternative states of reality as part of her work and is an Intentional Peer Support international trainer, Hearing Voices that are Distressing trainer and a professional member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. She is managing director of Kaitiaki Marama/Lightkeepers Ltd an Indigenous lived experience social enterprise.


Workshop Type: Intermediate | Workshop Level: Six | Catering: Refreshments provided

Terms and Conditions

  • Cancellations made up to 10 working days before a workshop will incur a $39 service fee.

  • Cancellations (or non-attendance) made 10 working days or less will not be refunded and the full workshop fee will be charged. 

  • No fee applies if you are able to find a replacement participant.

  • MHERC reserves the right to cancel a workshop at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient registrations.

  • Only one person may view a webinar session per registration.

Please read our full Terms and Conditions before registering.