Co-Existing Mental Health and Addiction Problems (CEP)

This workshop provides an overview and update of current approaches to working clinically with people with Co-Existing Mental Health and Substance Use Problems (CEP).



This workshop provides an overview and update of current approaches to working with people with Co-Existing Mental Health and Substance Use Problems (CEP). It is designed to upskill those working in mental health services who want to support people in their addiction recovery.

Overview and Learning Intentions

  • Understand substances of misuse and complications associated with CEP

  • How to promote a harm-reduction approach with people who have problematic substance use

  • Pathways/development of addiction through a lens of CEP; substance categories, triggers, cross-addiction, and coping strategies

  • Understand the nature, extent and impact of CEP on people’s lives and how services can support recovery

  • Apply brief interventions by developing harm reduction skills (including support for those wanting abstinence)

  • Latest research and advice on vaping

Let's Get Real

1. Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction needs

3. Working with whānau

4. Working within communities

5. Challenging discrimination

Facilitated by Di Sargent 

Masters of HSc., PG Dip. Addiction, PG Dip. Social Work, PG Dip. Management, B.A. Psych

Di is passionate about supporting people to grow in their hauora/wellbeing and health and teaching and mentoring people for their professional development and growth. She has been working in the mental health and addictions sector for 28 years as a social worker/counsellor. Di was the clinical manager of Stepping Stone Trust (mental health NGO) for 13 years and is in her sixth year at the Bridge addiction service in Christchurch.
Di loves learning and is qualified with a Masters of Mental Health, Post Graduate Diploma in Addiction, Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work, Post Graduate Diploma in Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.

Workshop Type: Introductory | Workshop Level: Five | Catering: Refreshments provided

Terms and Conditions

  • Cancellations made up to 10 working days before a workshop will incur a $39 service fee.

  • Cancellations (or non-attendance) made 10 working days or less will not be refunded and the full workshop fee will be charged. 

  • No fee applies if you are able to find a replacement participant.

  • MHERC reserves the right to cancel a workshop at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient registrations.

  • Only one person may view a webinar session per registration.

Please read our full Terms and Conditions before registering.