What is Peer Support? What does Lived Experience mean? What does CPSLE stand for? How can you support this workforce?
We have the answers to these questions. Join us to deepen your understanding of lived experience roles in the mental health and addiction sector, the history of the movement and the principles that drive them. Explore different CPSLE roles and discover how we can create supportive workplace environments for people to thrive.
Who should attend:
This webinar series is designed for anyone working in mental health or addiction who want to understand and become allies to the CPSLE workforce.
Learning intentions:
- Understand the lived experience movement and the principles that drive these roles, including incorporating te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights principles into practice.
- Learn to articulate the differences between various Lived Experience roles.
- Gain confidence and knowledge to elevate the lived experience voice and create a workplace environment for all to thrive.
Webinar Sessions:
- Webinar One: Explore different CPSLE Roles and the history of the lived experience movement
- Webinar Two: Peer Support: The Relationship is the Site of the Mahi/Work
- Webinar Three: Creating a Workplace Environment for People to Thrive
- Webinar Four: Unpacking Myths and Answering Tricky Questions (Q&A)
You can select individual webinars of interest or attend the entire series for a comprehensive understanding.
Facilitated by Dr Annie Southern
PhD HSc, MA, GradDipLT, Cert HE
Dr Annie Southern was educated at Oxford University and has a PhD in Health Science from the University of Canterbury. She is a researcher and writer and is well published, with her work spanning both journalism/publishing and mental health fields. Annie uses her lived experience of both neurodiversity and alternative states of reality as part of her work and is an Intentional Peer Support international trainer, Hearing Voices that are Distressing trainer and a professional member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. She is managing director of Kaitiaki Marama/Lightkeepers Ltd an Indigenous lived experience social enterprise.