Burnout: Dampening the Burn
The challenges over the last few years, have resulted in increasing experiences of depletion, exhaustion and ultimately burnout, which has been identified as resulting from an imbalance between chronic stress and coping resources.
Wednesday 2 August, 7.00pm to 8.30pm
The challenges over the last few years, have resulted in increasing experiences of depletion, exhaustion and ultimately burnout, which has been identified as resulting from an imbalance between chronic stress and coping resources.
In this workshop we will explore the many factors that may sustain and those that drain our internal resources, ultimately contributing to whether we might experience burnout. The Kaupapa Māori concept of health – Te Whare Tapa Whā – forms a basis for this workshop, including psychosocial, neurobiological, metanarrative insights, as well as practical and lifestyle approaches to building personal capacity. Lived experience as well as professional practice knowledge will contribute to this session.
• Aspects of stress physiology
• Interplay between psychology and physiology
• Tools for self-review
• Practical strategies to support coping resources
This workshop will benefit:
• Clinicians and support workers
• Busy professionals who are stressed and burnt out
Facilitated by Ruth Troughton
NZRP, Dip Phyty (Otago), BA (Mus) (UC), Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner (ASLM)
Ruth is an experienced Physiotherapist, Leader, Innovator, Supervisor and Educator. She has worked as a Physiotherapist in a range of different clinical areas (such as Older Persons Health, disability, musculoskeletal), with more than half her experience based in Mental Health. In her role as the Clinical Leader Physiotherapy, Specialist Mental Health Services, CDHB (2014-2020) she provided leadership in promoting awareness of neurobiological perspectives, including the integral role of physical health, trauma informed care, wellbeing, and lifestyle practices for mental health.
You will need
Headset and Microphone
Built-in laptop camera or attachable webcam device (for laptop or PC)
Stable broadband connection
Minimum System Requirements
As a guide, if you are able to Skype or watch online videos (eg: YouTube) from your device, your system requirements should be capable.
Operating System
Windows 7 and above
Mac OS X 10.6 and above
Internet Explorer 7 and above
Firefox - Latest version
Chrome - Latest version
Safari - 5 and above